Lucy Bell
Standing here upon the green our pistols primed to shoot
Underneath the willow tree an undertaker’s mute
He’ll run and let his master know which man the pistol felled
For one of us has got to die to satisfy this girl
We both knew this to be our fate the day we caught her eye
And the bond which only twins can know became a web of lies.
How grey my brother’s face – as through the morning mist we peer
Like me, racked with confusion as to why we’re standing here
She told me how our love would last and only death would part
Then tied a bow of finest lace around my brother’s heart.
He, knowing of our brother’s pledge resisted her embrace
But like a wolf caught in a snare saw the hunters face
So as the leaves fell to the ground and winter staked its claim
He looked into those wanton eyes and she had won the game.
Denials like the Ganges flowed as suspicions rose and fell
For him, myself in flesh and blood would not my secrets sell
Then by the bridge which links our town with those of foreign tongues
I saw his kiss upon her cheek and knew our life was done.
So, this grey dawn will be our judge
And town folk here will tell
How two young hearts born of one womb
Fought here for Lucy Bell.
Mike Simmons